The sky is falling!


And it was beautiful.

Tonight around midnight the Geminid meteor shower started. I was so excited, but didnt think it would be so damn cold.  when I first went out, like the second I  walked out my door  I saw three meteors flying across the sky. I may have squealed a bit.  I had one jacket on, it was thick so I thought it would do the job. The first hour ( midnight to 1am) I saw 9 meteors. I was laying on my truck bed, and I realized I couldnt feel my fingers, so I emailed my dad to ask if he had any gloves. I didnt want to go inside and risk missing this beautiful spectacle. But I couldnt stand my frozen, numb fingers. So I ran inside and asked him for gloves. And another jacket. lol which I put on top of my jacket I was already wearing. zipped them both up and put BOTH hoods on. I then went back outside to get the gloves from the truck. I was still freezing so I started dancing in my driveway to circulate some blood. thankfully it was 1am, and all of my neighbors were asleep. once I was a little warmer I layed back on the truck. the second hour I saw 37 meteors. Each time I saw one dance across the sky I gasped and smiled.

Looking up at the stars is a form of meditation. If you ever feel completely overwhelmed with your life, just stop and watch the stars. Because all of the crap you were stressing about feels so small and trivial when you see that beauty. Humans argue over who’s man made gods are the real ones. But the real gods/goddesses are in the sky above us. Those stars are our creators, there are parts of them inside of our DNA. We come from them. Looking up at the blanket of gods, watching the meteors dance across the sky, that is our heaven. Nothing here matters. not money, not the law. Just love, and harmony with the earth we stand on, and worship for  the gods above us.

I ended up feeling so cold again, because I hadnt moved in almost an hour. by the time 2am hit. ( which was the showers peak time) i had seen about 46 meteors. And I told myself that I would stay out there until I saw 50, and then I would go warm up.

A few of the meteors came close into our atmosphere. they were so bright. I thought one of them was going to crash into earth.

I also saw  few planets and some of my favorite constellations tonight as well.  first of all was Jupiter. my goddess she was so bright tonight. I also saw mars, the little red star sat around the big dipper.  I saw the constellation Antares, which thrilled me because it reminds me of Antar, from my favorite TV show Roswell.  I think I saw Pleiades as well but im not too sure.

Tonight’s shower inspired me so much. I have a new book idea, a children’s book.  Ill be hand painting the illustrations. I wish I had my camera already, because I could have taken some really stunning photos of tonight.

Anyway, I came in and sat in front of the heater, I just finished a bowl of hot soup, and Im feeling so tired. I think this is the earliest ive gone to bed in a long time. I feel so content, my heart, mind and spirit are all in harmony after tonight.

all in all I saw 50 meteors in two hours. said it was supposed to be 50 an hour, but I live where there is a lot of light pollution. but im grateful for the ones I saw.

do good, be kind, spread love.


My home is nowhere, everywhere.


This post will be weird to any of those who dont know or understand certain types of people.

For as long as I can remember about my life, I have never felt like I belonged to any group, I had friends, but I couldnt really make a connection with them, even though the rest of our group were close to each other. I spaced out a lot, and living in reality never really appealed to me.

I liked to go on mini adventures into the woods around my home, and Staying in and playing make believe was much more interesting than playing outside with the other kids.

I was searching for a long time for something I could believe in, my mother was raised a christian and tried to make me believe that. But I didnt feel like it fit. And my father introduced me to atheism, which I followed a while because I was a smart ass pre teen and thought I was edgy for not believing in anything. But I knew that there was something out there. I was agnostic for a while, because I wasnt really sure what was out there. And then I was a wiccan, I felt like I was on the right tract, I read up on tarot cards, and crystals and magic powers.

and for a while, I really thought I saw ghosts. I was chased on the playground in 2nd grade by a demon. ( I should get checked for a mental disorder.)

my friends would make fun of me for being a wiccan, and kids in school picked on me for it too. So I felt ashamed and thought that maybe it wasnt a real religion. I was agnostic again for a very long time. I was then a muslim. I read the qu’ran. And was pretty happy and peaceful. But with the dangerous islamaphobia in this country, I felt like my life was in danger. I still respect the muslim religion, but no longer practice it.

I would have panic attacks as a child where I would repeat that ” i want to go home” over and over. even though I was in my house. My parents didnt know what to do.

As an adult ( about 21) I started practicing paganism again. And I started to get depressed if I wasnt in nature a lot. I still didnt know why I felt there was something missing in my life, so I started learning meditation, and deep breathing. I started being more interested in the stars and space, and all the galaxies, they were beautiful and I found myself overwhelmed with emotions when I looked at them. Like whatever had been missing, that what I had been searching my whole life for, was right there in the stars. That was home.  I started watching more shows about aliens, and space and I now adore Neil Degrasse Tyson. Cosmos is a beautiful series. I heard  someone talking about “starseeds” one time, and I looked it up. And the first thing that popped up was a website that described what a starseed was, and how to know if you were one.

And I know, anyone who believes in aliens, or reincarnation or anything that doesnt conform to what we as a society have been made to believe is weird, and not true and deserves ridicule. But this was something spiritual to me, reading about the starseeds, about where they come from. the markings they had on their bodies, some of the markings i have.

I found a community of other starseeds. and learned more about the different types. And I no longer feel alone.

I think, that there are many different belief systems on this planet. Most of them cause so much death, so much pain and misery. Hold people down in a mental and spiritual prison. And if you are lucky enough to find one of the beliefs that are full of love, and light, and peace. Then dont listen to what anyone says when they call you weird, or crazy, or wrong.

Because how could worshiping the earth, practicing love, and promoting the lifestyle of peace be wrong?

The Universe is saying: “Allow me to flow through you unrestricted, and you will see the greatest magic you have ever seen.”
Klaus Joehle

If your belief feels right for you, if your belief and your gods/goddesses harm no one and nothing, then that is the right belief.

The spiritual people will always be viewed by the rest of the world as “crazy”. Pagans, Starseeds, and Indigo’s all have a strong belief in oneness. We all understand that we are one and come from the same source, we understand we are spiritual beings, souls of light temporarily living in a human body. The world views us as crazy for not taking sides and for not hating someone for being who they are, we’re crazy for seeing we all have the same heart and same soul from universal source. I don’t care, let them view us as crazy, let them live in their separated illusion of hate, we refuse to live life on a low frequency of ego, they will never understand us, they will never understand the spiritual people
Divine Keeylen

My beliefs carry me through each day, they remind me to be strong. That I am a child of the universe, I am made of stardust and nothing can defeat my soul.
